Animated film based on the story of Alexander Pushkin. The new king's wife wants to get rid of their stepdaughter and expels it to certain death in the forest. Princess finds refuge in the forest in the seven bogatyrs. The queen, finds out about it and poisons her...
A new version of Truman Capote's 1956 tale based on his own bittersweet upbringing in Alabama. The story deals with a seven-year-old who forms a special friendship with his simple, older cousin whose two sisters and bachelor brother feel he needs better influences and role models and decide to send him to military school after the Christmas holidays.
Lucy and Belle are two Pomeranian sisters. They have been left at home to guard the house over the Christmas period with two children. However - all does not go to plan when two neighbours break in to steal the family's possessions.
Peter Cottontail wants to be the #1 chief Easter Bunny, and everyone in April Valley agrees...except for Evil Irontail. Peter must deliver more eggs than this archrival to earn the top spot...and save Easter for children everywhere!
When 12-year-old Mickey Miller moves from New York to Ireland, she soon discovers a link between herself and the 300-year-old legend of the mysterious Black Knight, who regularly haunts the sleepy Irish village. With courage and a sharp mind, she sets out to save a precious herd of white horses and to thwart the evil plans of a greedy, ambitious woman.
Two young brothers secretly bring home a seal from their summer vacation and try to hide it from Mom and Dad. Havoc ensues as Sammy's antics disrupt the quiet town of Gatesville and its unsuspecting residents.
Boses (Voices) is the story of a musician named Ariel who offers violin lessons to a child of the slums. Through the violin, the abused child Onyok is able to get back his voice from a mute, desensitized existence. A violin teacher and his student, a mute 7-year old abused child in a shelter, develop a friendship stemming from their love of music. Ariel discovers the immense talent of Onyok hiding behind a veneer of silence and pain caused by an unhappy and cruel father. In the developing relationship of teacher and student, both characters reveal more of themselves that otherwise may have remained unspoken. They discover each other's strengths and failures through the violin lessons.
A local Pinewood Derby competition transforms an average group of dads into overzealous rivals desperate to build the winning car. As egos swell, the kids are lucky if they get to pick the paint color. While the dads are busy with outlandish gimmicks and sabotage, the underestimated scouts pull together and discover the true meaning of sportsmanship.
A lonely snowman finds Santa's workshop. But when he sets off the perimeter alarms and is chased away, he wonders why he couldn't be Santa and get all the love and fun this year. With the aid of "Snow Minions Made Easy", he pits his snow army against Santa's elves and captures Santa. But can he really do Santa's job?
In Borneo, near the tropical forest, Kéria rescues a baby orangutang in the palm oil plantation where her father works. Kéria's cousin Selaï comes to live with them seeking refuge from the conflict between his indigenous tribe and the logging companies. Kéria, Selaï and the little orangutang, now named Oshi, will have to fight against their forest’s destruction.
You could be the "King of Bollywood", "The richest man of India", or a "Leader of the Techno world". But if your heart is not in the right place with your relationships, do you think you can feel the 'complete Khushiyaan'?
Tis the season for making dreams true. If everything goes according to plan for one young boy, he just may be sharing this Christmas with a new dad. Ever since her husband died, Sarah Armstrong has divided her time between working at a community center and caring for her nine-year-old son, Jesse. When Jesse wins the All I Want for Christmas contest sponsored by a toy company, his wish comes as no surprise to find a new dad. Just in time for the holidays, All I Want for Christmas is a surprise romantic treat for anyone who believes in the magic of love, friendship, and family.
The story has an old donkey resolving to break away from the unbearable hardships of working for a fat miller (Alfred Pongratz). By and by, he recruits three more unsatisfied animals and convinces them to accompany him on his way to Bremen where they want to become musicians. Fighting off some robbers in a forest house then becomes an important part of the story.
Going to vacation at his grandmother’s in a village, the boy Mitya could never imagine that he would become a participant of the extraordinary adventures in a fairy-tale land.
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