In this poignant film, the story unfolds through a heartfelt letter from a mother to her son, Jacob, reflecting on the loss of his other mother. Through flashbacks and the sharing of memories, we witness the love story between Adrianna, a dedicated OSI agent, and her wife, Heather, as they navigate the challenges of military life under the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy. Despite the constant fear of exposure, their bond grows stronger. Adrianna's eventual deployment to Afghanistan, where she serves with valor, ends tragically, leaving her family to grapple with the devastating news. The narrative captures the enduring love and strength that Adrianna instilled in her family, her commitment to her duty, and the bittersweet reality of their shared dreams cut short. The film closes with a reflection on the end of America's military involvement in Afghanistan, juxtaposing personal loss with historical milestones, and a message of gratitude and resilience for the future.
In honour of the 15th Anniversary of 9/11, National Geographic Channel is looking back at the very best reporting we have done since this world-changing tragedy first happened using extended excerpts from past specials that relate directly to events leading up to and following the attacks on New York City and Washington DC.
The enemy's success in smuggling a spy through the lines places the Stratiria armies in a dangerous position. The spy is intercepted and killed by Pettrus Baariot, the telegraph operator, who then succeeds in sending a message that saves the Stratiria forces from defeat. For his heroism, Pettrus is promised a promotion, but after his recovery from his severe wounds, he is humiliated through the treachery of Danick Rysson, a government official who desires to marry Floria Natarre, Pettrus' beloved. Bitter, Pettrus listens to the overtures of one of the enemy and steals the new telegraph code.
(Nadia), who was born and raised in (France), returns to (Iraq) to rediscover her roots and origins. During this journey, (Nadia) gradually uncovers the story of her grandfather, Haj (Najm) Al-Baqal, the owner of the date shop, and the man who was one of the prominent leaders of the revolution in (Najaf) against British colonialism in 1918. The film sheds light on the impact that Haj (Najm) Al-Baqal's struggle left on the people of (Najaf).
During World War I, westerner Cheyenne Harry is a horse seller, but he refuses to part with his favorite horse and friend, Cactus. One night, broke and drunk, he sells Cactus to an Englishman for $350 which he soon loses gambling. When Harry discovers that Cactus is being sent to the war in France and probable death, he gets a horse- tending job on the ship. When they get the opportunity Harry jumps off the ship with Cactus and they swim to shore. Harry is eventually caught but is allowed to work off his debt and keep Cactus.
A remarkable woman challenges two centuries of Navy tradition and discrimination, becoming a champion for equal opportunities to serve on-board ship and in combat -- all while rising to the rank of captain and becoming a source of strength to her family.
On Sam's return from military service, Lily sets her heart on revitalising their relationship, but with Sam's worsening PTSD isolating him from friends, family and the community, she too is drawn deeper into his post-war world.
At the end of the 16th century, Wallachia's ruler Michael the Brave dreams of uniting the kingdoms of Wallachia,Transylvania and Moldavia into a single country known as The United Principalities.
When the frontline extends over Estonia in the summer of 1944, the pilots of a shot down Soviet airplane come to ask for help at a farm where organ builder Jaan lives with his kids.
The 'mighty' Hood was the pride of the British Navy for more than 20 years, revered around the world as the largest and most powerful warship afloat. But when it was sunk by the German battleship Bismarck off the coast of Greenland on 24 May 1941, its end was shockingly swift.
Told in flashback, Out of the Depths strives to explain why its four male protagonists are bobbing around the Pacific in a lifeboat. The story proper begins as Captain Faversham (Jim Bannon) and his crew embark upon a secret mission which takes them into Japanese waters. The plan is to prevent a kamikaze attack against the American invading forces. Compelling in itself, the plotline isn't improved by arbitrary doses of misfire pathos and comedy relief. One of the sailors is played by Ken Curtis, later to gain TV fame as Festus on Gunsmoke.
Jim Morrison is an English army officer who comes from a very old and prominent family. He marries the ravishingly beautiful but unscrupulous Cleo, who has no qualms about using her sexual allure to get the luxuries her husband can't provide. When Jim is sent off to war, Cleo embarks on a series of affairs, one of which results in her becoming the love slave of a German spy, the very spy that her husband has been assigned to track down.
The story of the siege and eventual relief of British soldiers garrisoned at Lucknow during the 1857 Indian Rebellion. Only a fragment of the original film remains.
When the Great War begins, English sportsman Cyril Hammersley is thought to be a slacker because he refuses to join the army for pacifistic reasons. His American fiancée, Doris Mathers, knows that he is not a coward, but she questions his patriotism when Sir John Rizzio intimates that Hammersly may be a German spy.
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