The story follows the Kosovar partisan hero known as Lisi (Oak), from WWII days, subsequent liberation, until mid-1960s. Lisi was a brave warrior, yet he and his generation remains largely uneducated. However his nephew starts as a courier, and becomes doctor afterwards.
The true story of Bosco, a young musician orphaned and blinded by the 1993 Burundian genocide, is taken in by a member of the tribe he believes is responsible for the death of his mother. Bosco is forced to choose between hatred and hope.
For nine-year-old Saša, the end of the Second World War is an adventure in which he and young neighbour friend Mařenka compete over who will spot the first Soviet soldier. But the boy causes problems when he lets two German snipers enter a house in which many families are seeking shelter. Fortunately, the inquisitive Saša also comes to the aid of Soviet soldier Váňa, whom one of the neighbours is accusing of stealing a pearl necklace.
Richthofen (aka Richthofen, The Red Knight of the Air and Richthofen, The Red Ace of Germany) is a 1927 German silent war film directed by Desider Kertesz and Peter Joseph. The film was subsequently re-mastered with sound and music effects and re-released in the United States in 1929. The film stars Georg Burghardt, Sybil Moore and Arne Molander. Richthofen was the first film to portray the life of the First World War fighter pilot Manfred von Richthofen.
A portmanteau work in four segments,designed to illustrate the expressive possibilities of director Abel Gance,s creation, Polyvision, which preceded the American invention of Cinerama, and used three screens to present a drama of simultaneous images.
A young boy becomes callous to the deaths and battles that rage on during World War II. He and his friends follow a peasant soldier of a Rumanian troop as they march to join the Russians in fighting the Nazis. He watches as one of his friends dies after destroying a German machine gun nest. He is slapped by a Rumanian soldier who is livid over the boy's nonchalance of his friend's death. He becomes a mascot of the advancing unit as they proceed to a castle in Czechoslovakia. When the men dress in armor for a group picture, they are killed by the Nazis. The boy returns to find the men have been wiped out and he is taken prisoner by a German soldier. The Nazi falls victim to marauding peasants seeking revenge. They rescue the young warrior and escort him back to his home in Rumania.
Father Carlos, a Basque priest, decides to leave voluntarily as a missionary to a village lost in the Philippines. From the first moment, their biggest aspiration would be to reconstruct an ancient mission. But to do so, he will have to face numerous difficulties.
Ora Egaro Jon is a 1972 Bengali historical drama film written by Al Masood and directed by Chashi Nazrul Islam, based on the Bangladesh Liberation War. Director Islam and lead actor Khasru were both members of Mukti Bahini. It was the first movie of Bangladesh after independence.
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