A suspensefilled thriller about a successful single woman who, on a deserted road, picks up a mysterious hitchhiker. Once back in the city, "The Drifter" follows her every move. Every attempt to free herself of his harassment fails until the shocking conclusion is revealed!
Miles Kody, is a documentary filmmaker. As Miles tapes his interviews with Vic he becomes aware of the appearance of "ghosts" captured on his video monitor. He realizes that the faint energy fields of these ghosts, past victims of the snuff films, are picked up more readily on video...
In his latest film, Shirome, Stardust Promotion's relatively new pop idol unit Momoiro Clover star as a group of girls who enter an old abandoned school hoping to have their wishes granted by a spirit called Shirome. The girls initially had no clue they were being filmed for a movie at all. Instead, they were told that they were being filmed for an upcoming television show exploring haunted locations. The result is a faux documentary style in the same vein as "The Blair Witch Project" and "Paranormal Activity".
A young, enthusiastic and free-spirited writer arrives to stay in a desolate mansion, rumored to be haunted by the apparition of a young woman named Bharghavi who committed suicide when she was betrayed in love. The writer, who begins to pen her story, soon realizes that there is more to her tragic tale.
When a man purchases a collection of seven paintings to hang in his wealthy estate, he has no idea what horrors he has unleashed for himself and his family.
Hoping to fix their dysfunctional marriage, a couple travels to an isolated mountain cabin to work out their problems - but the one problem they didn't anticipate is the maniac trying to kill them.
A beautiful diva is murdered on the set of horror director Vincent Augustine's latest film "Chapel Blood." Somewhere between the crime scene and the coroner's van, the body mysteriously disappears. Meanwhile, the city's supply of donated blood is being dangerously depleted. Suspecting a connection between the events, detectives Mike Hung and Sasha Colfax go undercover at the studio to investigate. Their attempt to crack the case quickly turns into a desperate battle for survival when they uncover an age-old war between rival vampire covens that threatens to consume humanity in a final, grisly assault of Teeth and Blood!
A British military paratrooper disappears in mid-air during a jump from an army plane. Two investigators, Patrick Allen and Neil Connery, try to unravel how this happened. What they uncover is an alien plot to steal the bodies of earthlings by snatching them out of the air.
Voodoo Moon takes place in the mid-west United States, where a demonic figure murders the entire population of a small town, save for one young boy and his sister. Twenty years later, the boy has been consumed with trying to track the devil down and now he thinks he's found him. His sister is now an artist who has developed psychic abilities which enable her to sense disaster, visions she expresses in her art. The two siblings work together in fighting the devil, and also get the assistance of several people they have helped over the years
Max Mok is the dashing young swordsman Feng Xiwu who arrives at a beautiful, but deadly location known as Moonlit Sky to investigate rumors of deaths and disappearances there.
A determined TV reporter is out to find a maniac who is methodically attacking lone women drivers on the Los Angeles Freeway by pushing them off the road with his powerful van.
The story of four young couples drawn to the remote dunes for off-roading in their extreme machines. But the outing turns into a night of terror when they are attacked by the Catcher, a skilled and brutal hunter of human specimens for alien science.
Based on the classic novella by Robert Louis Stevenson, "Hyde" tells the story of successful defense attorney Edward Hyde, who has the perfect family to go along with his perfect job...even though he finds himself struggling to balance the two at times. Once a horrible tragedy strikes, Edward begins to go down a dark path that leads him to spiral out of control...transforming into something else entirely.
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