Set in an alternate universe, the ancient capital of Kamakura is a vibrant town where fantastical creatures live alongside humans. Akiko is a cheerful publishing assistant who moves into town after marrying Masakazu, a popular mystery writer. Akiko is surprised by the unusual town but enjoys the new curiosities surrounding her. However, just as she was beginning to settle in, a trifling incident sweeps her spirit to the underworld too soon. Convinced that destiny has something else in store for his wife, Masakazu journeys into the underworld to bring back Akiko’s spirit.
Mystery abounds when it is discovered that, one by one, the greatest Chefs in Europe are being killed. The intriguing part of the murders is that each chef is killed in the same manner that their own special dish is prepared in. Food critics and the (many) self-proclaimed greatest Chefs in Europe demand the mystery be solved.
The suave Prodosh C. Mitter aka Feluda has ruled over our hearts with his sharp wit, impressive intellect and astute observation skills for over five decades now! The story starts off with the murder of Birupaksha Majumdar by Vishnudas Balaporia in the cold Darjeeling Mountains. Feluda, Topshey and Lalmohun Ganguly investigate.
Frédéric sees a photograph of a ruined seaside castle, which triggers a strange childhood memory. He then goes on a strange quest, aided by four female vampires, to find the castle and the beautiful woman who lives there.
In Liar game: Final Stage, Players are encouraged to trust each other to win the tournament. However, a mysterious player named X is secretly plotting to sabotage everyone of their chances to win the LGT.
Singer Jane DaSilva inherits the family foundation which is a non-profit detective agency that helps people who aren’t able to help themselves. Jane’s Aunt Sadie and Detective John Cameron act as her mentors as she takes on her first case surrounding a mother’s untimely death years before. As Jane investigates a multi-level marketing company that took advantage of her client’s fragile mom, she realizes that digging up the past can be dangerous...
Chicago psychiatrist Judd Stevens is suspected of murdering one of his patients when the man turns up stabbed to death in the middle of the city. After repeated attempts to convince the cops of his innocence, Dr. Stevens is forced to go after the real villains himself.
When middle-aged house cleaner Buck Enderly takes on an eccentric new client, he gets roped into locating her estranged son. Buck tracks down the disturbed young man but in another twist of fate becomes an accomplice to a violent crime. Buck must then decide whether to hide the truth from his family or come clean with everyone and move on with his life
After escaping from an insane asylum, a medical student assumes the identity of a mysterious dead man, who appears to be his doppelganger, and gets lured to a sinister island ruled by a mad scientist and his malformed men.
A hiker becomes lost in the wilderness and comes across sexually insatiable mutant cave women who hold him captive for their carnal enjoyment. Two couples that are friends of his go off to try to find and save him, unaware of his true predicament.
A group of students are trapped at a school after a time capsule from the 1950's is cracked open by an earthquake. The students soon realize that ghostly spirits escaped from the time capsule, and possessed the principal and three other teachers.
Gangsters from the United States try to kill a key government witness whose testimony could help land an influential mobster in jail. It's up to detective Maigret to deal with the FBI and a series of underworld figures to save the life of the witness...
The heir to a family fortune discovers that a curse has been placed on it, put there centuries before by a band of samurai warriors. Adaptation of novel by Seishi Yokomizo
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