Rise and Shine

Rise and Shine

  • Genre: Drama
  • Runtime: 0h 9min
  • Production Company: Sunny Side Pictures
  • Directors: George Ayvazyan, Michelle Hodan.


A heartfelt, emotional story about loss, grief, and the bond between a mother and son.

Rise and Shine Trailer

Can i watch Rise and Shine on Netflix?

Unfortunately the movie Rise and Shine is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Rise and Shine becomes available on Netflix!

  • George Ayvazyan

    as Jack
  • Samina Engel

    as Jack's Mom
  • Kruz Lopez

    as Young Jack
Production George Ayvazyan Producer
Writing George Ayvazyan Writer
Camera Gabriel S. Valeriano Director of Photography
Directing George Ayvazyan Director
Directing Michelle Hodan Director
Sound Andrew Galteland Sound Mixer
