A short anime directed by Mizuki Ito in collaboration with music by HENTAI SHINSHI CLUB. A part of the "TOHO animation: Music Films" project, in commemoration of the 10th anniversary of TOHO animation.
Unfortunately the movie Neko to Wakai se na is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Neko to Wakai se na becomes available on Netflix!
Production | Keiji Ota | Executive Producer |
Production | Kazutaka Yamanaka | Executive Producer |
Production | Katsuhiro Takei | Executive Producer |
Production | Atsushi Takahashi | Executive Producer |
Art | Miho Kamio | Background Designer |
Sound | Masatoshi Katsumata | Sound Designer |
Sound | Kenta Kajiura | Foley Editor |
Sound | Akira Ito | Foley Artist |
Sound | Hiromi Iijima | Foley Artist |
Sound | Yuki Sakamoto | Sound Recordist |
Sound | WILYWNKA | Musician |
Sound | VIGORMAN | Musician |
Sound | GeG | Musician |
Production | Shunsuke Yanagisawa | Producer |
Directing | Mizuki Ito | Director |
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