"Bolang Libag" is a heartwarming Tagalog short film that tells the story of the unlikely romance between Bola and Libag. Bola is a reserved and introverted young man who spends most of his time working at a small convenience store. One day, he meets Libag, a vibrant and outgoing woman who is a regular customer at the store. Despite their differences in personality, Bola and Libag start to develop a connection and soon find themselves falling in love. "Bolang Libag" is a touching tale of love and self-discovery that will leave viewers feeling inspired and uplifted.
Unfortunately the movie Bolang Libag is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Bolang Libag becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Kinoboxd | Director |
Writing | Pogi | Screenplay |
Editing | JPG | Editor |
Sound | Daylily Belle | Music |
Production | Jiyu | Producer |
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