This seemingly peaceful world is not just inhabited by humans. All along, the little demons and fairies in the world have been living among us in human form. Among them, there are those who are kind-hearted towards humans and those who are wicked. The secret organization that maintains order and peace in this world is the hidden martial arts clan known as the Hidden Mist Sect. The evil demon Tian Xie attempts to use the power of Tai Sui to eradicate the Hidden Mist Sect and build a demonic kingdom, but unexpectedly, Tai Sui becomes attached to Wu Yin.
Unfortunately the movie Fantasy Magician 2 is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Fantasy Magician 2 becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Xiang Qiuliang | Director |
Directing | Xiang Hesheng | Director |
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