In the immersive realm of Minecraft, a captivating tale unfolds, steeped in corruption, deception, and the unwavering quest for justice. Within the humble town of Tundra, two noble fishermen stumble upon a sign that unravels the sinister plots of Bacon Corp, an influential entity. As they expose their discoveries to the city council, a tangled web of greed and treachery comes to light, implicating the mayor, Mr. Bacon, in their ruthless pursuit of profits at the expense of the environment. Guided by courage and aided by their loyal companion Bill, a young hero named Joe embarks on a perilous journey that takes them to the heart of New Bacon City, where they confront formidable resistance, betrayal, and ultimately spark a revolution that topples the reign of Bacon Corp, ushering in a new era of hope and unity.
Unfortunately the movie Tundra Town: The Legend Goes On is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Tundra Town: The Legend Goes On becomes available on Netflix!
Production | Callie Zwicker | Producer |
Writing | Callie Zwicker | Screenplay |
Directing | Jason Rotmensz | Director |
Camera | Jason Rotmensz | Director of Photography |
Editing | Jason Rotmensz | Editor |
Editing | Jack Serri | Editor |
Directing | Jack Serri | Director |
Sound | Nicolas D'Alessandro | Sound Designer |
Writing | Jason Rotmensz | Screenplay |
Writing | Jack Serri | Writer |
Writing | Nicolas D'Alessandro | Writer |
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