In the poignant and thought-provoking short film, a distressed mother, Velda, takes center stage as she recounts the tragic tale of her son, Michael, who battles inner demons after being sent to war. As she navigates through the gut-wrenching chronology of his enlistment on the eve of 9/11, his traumatizing experiences in combat, and his futile attempts at readjustment after returning home, the narrative unravels to reveal the silent and insidious toll of war on the mental health of soldiers. Compelled by her son's devastating suicide, Velda transforms her grief into a call for action, articulating her concerns about the military's approach to mental health issues in a letter to the president. This heart-rending short film underscores the often overlooked consequences of war, giving voice to those left in its devastating wake.
Unfortunately the movie Velda: A Mom's Story of Suicide is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Velda: A Mom's Story of Suicide becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Jesse Collier Sutterley | Director |
Writing | Jesse Collier Sutterley | Co-Writer |
Editing | Jesse Collier Sutterley | Editor |
Writing | Daniel L. Bernardi | Co-Writer |
Production | Daniel L. Bernardi | Producer |
Crew | Andrés Gallegos | Cinematography |
Camera | Robert Barbarino | Second Assistant "A" Camera |
Editing | Joshua Cardenas | Colorist |
Sound | Dan Olmsted | Sound Mixer |
Sound | Jesse Collier Sutterley | Sound Designer |
Sound | Diana Sánchez Maciel | Sound Recordist |
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