A coming-of-age story that follows Matias, an Argentine filmmaker in his forties, struggling with an unfinished movie inspired by his elusive first love to Alexander, a Swedish friend he met at an international school in the 90’s. Tenderness and fascination define their strong friendship, which is short-lived when Alexander is suddenly expelled back to his country, leaving young Matias with an unresolved story of undeclared emotions. 25 years later, and Matias decides to reopen Pandora’s box as he embarks on a journey to find the ending to his story by coming face-to-face with Alexander, discovering life imitating art.
Unfortunately the movie Duino is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Duino becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Juan Pablo Di Pace | Director |
Directing | Andrés Pepe Estrada | Director |
Production | Norman Lear | Executive Producer |
Production | Juan Pablo Di Pace | Producer |
Production | Massimiliano Milic | Executive Producer |
Production | Lucio Blanco | Production Assistant |
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