13 figures de Sarah Beauchesne au 71, rue Blanche

13 figures de Sarah Beauchesne au 71, rue Blanche (1993)

  • Genre: Documentary
  • Release Date: 1993-12-03
  • Runtime: 0h 4min
  • Language: Français
  • Production Company: Injam Production
  • Directors: Christophe Boutin, Véronique Aubouy.


Watch 13 figures de Sarah Beauchesne au 71, rue Blanche on Netflix.

13 figures de Sarah Beauchesne au 71, rue Blanche Trailer

Can i watch 13 figures de Sarah Beauchesne au 71, rue Blanche on Netflix?

Unfortunately the movie 13 figures de Sarah Beauchesne au 71, rue Blanche is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when 13 figures de Sarah Beauchesne au 71, rue Blanche becomes available on Netflix!

  • Sarah Beauchesne

    as Sarah Beauchesne
Directing Christophe Boutin Director
Writing Christophe Boutin Writer
Sound Florent Lavallée Recording Supervision
Production Christophe Boutin Producer
Production Pierre-Marie Jouany Producer
Writing Sarah Beauchesne Writer
Directing Véronique Aubouy Director
Sound Nicolas Becker Sound
Crew Florent Montcouquiol Cinematography
