The Mysterious Case of Rudolf Diesel

The Mysterious Case of Rudolf Diesel

  • Genre: History, Drama
  • Runtime: 1h 36min
  • Language: English
  • Production Company: Priority Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America


Rudolf Diesel, one of history’s greatest inventors, vanished into thin air on the eve of World War I. His revolutionary invention, the Diesel engine, was highly sought after by global industries and political figures around the world. It had the power to threaten empires and change the fate of nations, turning him and his technology into both a prized asset and a potential threat.

The Mysterious Case of Rudolf Diesel Trailer

Can i watch The Mysterious Case of Rudolf Diesel on Netflix?

Unfortunately the movie The Mysterious Case of Rudolf Diesel is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when The Mysterious Case of Rudolf Diesel becomes available on Netflix!

Production Greg Little Producer
Production Lizzie Friedman Producer
Writing Douglas Brunt Novel
Production Karen Lauder Producer
