In a distant future, the space probe "Voyager" explores the galaxies in the infinity of space to detect signs of life in the universe. This vehicle, which will make a great discovery for humanity, will drag humanity into an event it has never encountered before. In this fascinating science fiction animation directed by Yasin Doğukan Susam, the film invites people to explore their place in the universe and different worlds. This discovery will deeply affect people's thoughts and feelings and change their perception of the universe. "Voyager" is a gripping short animated film filled with visual effects, celebrating the wonder and excitement of encountering other life forms in the universe.
Unfortunately the movie Voyager - BİR UZAY BİLİM KURGU ANİMASYON FİLMİ is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Voyager - BİR UZAY BİLİM KURGU ANİMASYON FİLMİ becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Yasin Doğukan Susam | Director |
Writing | Yasin Doğukan Susam | Writer |
Camera | Yasin Doğukan Susam | Director of Photography |
Production | Yasin Doğukan Susam | Producer |
Art | Yasin Doğukan Susam | Art Direction |
Crew | Yasin Doğukan Susam | Supervisor of Production Resources |
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