Ryoko, a beautiful and renowned chief surgeon at a medical university, begins to groan and claw at her throat after rejecting an advance from Tamura, who is infatuated with her. This is a sign that unless she replenishes her supply of hormones from young men, she will revert to her true form as a 400-year-old woman. The next day, Tamura's body is found...
Unfortunately the movie Kyoto Yokai Map 4: The 400-Year-Old Adulterous Female doctor Living in Kawaramachi is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Kyoto Yokai Map 4: The 400-Year-Old Adulterous Female doctor Living in Kawaramachi becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Tokuzō Tanaka | Director |
Writing | 保利吉紀 | Writer |
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