This surrealistic comedy follows the life of Haruo Maekawa, a young man who makes a living catching squid. Haruo is obsessed with catching a legendary giant squid rumored to live in Tokyo Bay. Haruo's uncle Takashi, fallen on hard times, comes to stay with his nephew until he can get back on his feet. Uncle Takashi is addicted to energy drinks, and seduces any woman in sight, including Haruo's girlfriend Rika. While praying at a Shintō shrine, Uncle Takashi is bitten in the scrotum by a poisonous snake and dies. The uncle is destined to spend the afterlife in Hell unless his nephew and girlfriend can rescue him from the King of Hell.
Unfortunately the movie Uncle's Paradise is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Uncle's Paradise becomes available on Netflix!
Sound | Fumio Moriya | Music |
Writing | Fumio Moriya | Writer |
Production | Daisuke Asakura | Producer |
Directing | Shinji Imaoka | Director |
Editing | Shōji Sakai | Editor |
Camera | Kazuhiro Suzuki | Director of Photography |
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