• Genre: Documentary, Animation
  • Runtime: 1h 36min
  • Language: Français
  • Production Company: Yzanakio
  • Director: Justice Rutika


Ibuka follows Valentine and Jean-Claude, a new couple, at the very beginning of the civil war and the massacres that swept through Rwanda in 1994. Living in Kigali, the national capital, these young parents make numerous attempts to escape the killings with their newborn. Ibuka is a poetic work filled with tenderness and clarity about a historical tragedy, experienced through the intimacy and formation of a young family forever bonded.

15 Trailer

Can i watch 15 on Netflix?

Unfortunately the movie 15 is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when 15 becomes available on Netflix!

Directing Justice Rutika Director
Writing Justice Rutika Screenplay
Production Mylène Augustin Producer
Production Eric Idriss Kanago Producer
