In A Dissent Manner

In A Dissent Manner (2022)


  • Genre:
  • Release Date: 2022-09-01
  • Runtime: 1h 2min
  • Language: हिन्दी
  • Production Country: India
  • Director: Ehraz Zaman


The film chronicles the violent events of December 15th, 2019, when police and RAF forces stormed the campus of Aligarh Muslim University to disperse students protesting against the Citizenship Amendment Act. Through firsthand accounts, the film exposes the brutality of that night and its enduring impact on the students caught in the chaos.

In A Dissent Manner Trailer

Can i watch In A Dissent Manner on Netflix?

Unfortunately the movie In A Dissent Manner is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when In A Dissent Manner becomes available on Netflix!

Production S. Farwah Rizvi Producer
Directing Ehraz Zaman Director
Production Ehraz Zaman Producer
Crew Md. Kaunain Raza Cinematography
Crew Indranil Bagchi Cinematography
Editing Mohammad Salman Editor
