Ultraman Saga opens with a powerful apocalyptic vision of Tokyo, buildings destroyed and the city seemingly devoid of life. We are soon introduced to the Earth Defense Force (EDF), Team U (played by members of the female idol group AKB48). They and a group of young children and the last survivors on planet Earth after the world was invaded by the evil Alien Bat, the rest of the human population having been abducted.
Unfortunately the movie Ultraman Saga is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Ultraman Saga becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Hideki Oka | Director |
Sound | Fumio Hara | Original Music Composer |
Camera | Sô Takahashi | Director of Photography |
Art | Taro Kiba | Production Design |
Production | Kazutaka Akimoto | Producer |
Production | Tsugumi Kitaura | Producer |
Production | Satoshi Oshita | Producer |
Production | Atsushi Terada | Producer |
Production | Hidetoshi Yamamoto | Executive Producer |
Production | Nobuyuki Okuma | Supervising Producer |
Writing | Keiichi Hasegawa | Writer |
Visual Effects | Hideaki Maegawa | VFX Supervisor |
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