A film adaptation of Masatsugu Nobuhiko's novel of the same name, directed by Tasaka Tomotaka and starring Nakamura Kinnosuke. This literary epic tells the story of how the protagonist, who has become mired in evil due to his poverty and low position, eventually awakens to humanity through an encounter with a nun. Shark was born without a father in a fishing village where the main occupation is catching sharks. In his poor and humiliating life, his only source of comfort is the tender love of his mother. However, on the night of a festival, the village burns to the ground and his mother dies. Left alone, Shark sets off for Kyoto with an old caster.
Unfortunately the movie The Sharks is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when The Sharks becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Tomotaka Tasaka | Director |
Writing | Naoyuki Suzuki | Screenplay |
Crew | Masahiko Iimura | Cinematography |
Sound | Masaru Satō | Music |
Writing | Masatsugu Nobuhiko | Novel |
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