‘In the small town of El Fuerte, nestled in the heart of the Mexican state of Sinaloa, an ancient and mysterious legend persists: Don Diego de la Vega, also known as Zorro, was born in one of the town's hotels. This story has divided the town's inhabitants, with some defending it and others questioning it. Each of them has their own version of the facts, a personal vision of what Zorro brought to the Mexican people. As the stories and testimonies unfold, the line between reality and myth becomes blurred. This film is an investigation into the truth, if it exists at all.
Unfortunately the movie Zorro, la légende d’El Fuerte is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Zorro, la légende d’El Fuerte becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Marius Larrayadieu | Director |
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