A young boy named Guskou lives in the countryside with his parents and little sister. A string of droughts and other natural disasters tear the family apart, and Guskou is forced to leave home and seek his fortunes on his own. Driven by a desire to improve the quality of life of his poor countrymen, he eventually joins a group of scientists called the Ihatov Volcano Department; he takes part in scientific projects to fight the natural disasters that drove him from his home.
Unfortunately the movie The Life of Guskou Budori is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when The Life of Guskou Budori becomes available on Netflix!
Writing | Kenji Miyazawa | Novel |
Writing | Ryutaro Nakamura | Screenplay |
Visual Effects | Shinichi Suzuki | Character Designer |
Sound | Yoshihiro Kanno | Original Music Composer |
Directing | Ryutaro Nakamura | Director |
Editing | Takeshi Seyama | Editor |
Visual Effects | Shinichi Suzuki | Animation Director |
Visual Effects | Sachiko Oohashi | Key Animation |
Production | Hiroshi Ishikawa | Producer |
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