After being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, a rebellious young woman is disease-stricken. Upon being admitted to a nursing home, she finds hope in the most unlikely of places...
Unfortunately the movie Freak City is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Freak City becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Lynne Littman | Director |
Art | Rocco Matteo | Production Design |
Sound | Michel Colombier | Music |
Directing | Andrew Shea | First Assistant Director |
Directing | Jennifer Deathe | Second Assistant Director |
Crew | Alison Reid | Stunt Coordinator |
Art | Dan Perri | Title Designer |
Editing | B.J. Sears | Editor |
Camera | Frank Byers | Director of Photography |
Production | Jon Turtle | Executive Producer |
Production | Sandy Stern | Producer |
Writing | Jane Shepard | Writer |
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