In this animated version of Edgar Allan Poe's story, a traveller arrives at the Usher mansion to find that the sibling inhabitants are living under a mysterious family curse. The brother's senses have become painfully acute, while his sister has become nearly catatonic.
Unfortunately the movie The Fall of the House of Usher is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when The Fall of the House of Usher becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Jan Švankmajer | Director |
Crew | Ivan Vít | Other |
Writing | Jan Švankmajer | Screenplay |
Crew | Vladimír Nevosad | Other |
Crew | Michal Kuchař | Other |
Crew | Milan Rychecký | Other |
Art | Jan Švankmajer | Art Direction |
Visual Effects | Bedřich Glaser | Animation |
Crew | V. Pokorný | Other |
Crew | Jan Balej | Other |
Writing | Edgar Allan Poe | Short Story |
Camera | Miloslav Špála | Director of Photography |
Crew | Jiří Kubíček | Dramaturgy |
Sound | Ivo Špalj | Sound |
Production | Viktor Mayer | Production Manager |
Sound | Jan Klusák | Original Music Composer |
Editing | Helena Lebdušková | Editor |
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