Animated series about the adventures of a parrot Kesha, "the hero of our time." The action is concentrated in the city and its surroundings. Kesh lives in the apartment of Vova, a schoolchild, but because of his hot-tempered, arrogant character, he periodically runs away and gets into trouble, eventually returning to Vovka with a confession. The humor of the series is based on the eccentric behavior of Keshi, on recognizable realities, as well as on the multiple quotations used by the parrot.
Unfortunately the movie The Return of the Prodigal Parrot (Part 1) is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when The Return of the Prodigal Parrot (Part 1) becomes available on Netflix!
Writing | Aleksandr Kurlyandskiy | Writer |
Directing | Valentin Karavaev | Director |
Writing | Valentin Karavaev | Writer |
Art | Anatoly Savchenko | Art Direction |
Camera | Svetlana Kashcheeva | Director of Photography |
Sound | Aleksandr Raskatov | Original Music Composer |
Sound | Vladimir Kutuzov | Sound Director |
Directing | Zoya Kredushinskaya | Assistant Director |
Editing | Olga Vasilenko | Editor |
Art | Elmira Antusheva | Storyboard Artist |
Art | Vera Kharitonova | Storyboard Artist |
Art | Arkady Melik-Sarkisyan | Storyboard Artist |
Visual Effects | Violetta Kolesnikova | Animation |
Visual Effects | Yuriy Kuzyurin | Animation |
Visual Effects | Galina Zebrova | Animation |
Visual Effects | Viktor Arsentev | Animation |
Visual Effects | Aleksandr Gorlenko | Animation |
Visual Effects | Vladimir Krumin | Animation |
Writing | Elena Nikitkina | Script Editor |
Production | Liliana Monakhova | Producer |
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