The Story of Panda – Taotao, directed by Shuichi Nakahara and Tatsuo Shimamura, was the first animation produced as a Chinese-Japanese joint venture. Released in December, 1981, the film is about Taotao, a small panda from Sichuan, who was captured and sold to a European zoo, where he got into adventures with his animal friends. The series includes a film in 1981 and a 52-episode series in 1983.
Unfortunately the movie Xiongmao Monogatari TaoTao is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Xiongmao Monogatari TaoTao becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Tatsuo Matsumura | Director |
Sound | Masaru Satō | Music |
Writing | Yoji Yamada | Story |
Visual Effects | Shigeru Yamamoto | Animation Director |
Visual Effects | Norio Hikone | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Masao Kumagawa | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Kazuko Nakamura | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Hachio Suginome | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Miwako Hattori | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Teruo Handa | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Yuusaku Sakamoto | Animation Director |
Visual Effects | Toshiyuki Sakurai | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Shûichi Nakahara | Character Designer |
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