Filmmaker, illustrator and musician Dame Darcy's weekly television collaboration with Blessed Elysium's Lisa Hammer aired on New York's Public Access from 1996-1999, presenting original drama and comedy in a German Expressionist style, utilizing New York underground personalities including Jennifer Nixon (aka Queen Itchie), Peter Moran, Bliss Blood, Banjo Pete, Miller Duvall, Secretary Jenny, Cynthia Mitchell, Patrick O'Clock (aka Patrick Hambrecht), Jasper McVain, Daisy Miller, Li'l Sweetie, and Countessa Cinorre, as well as celebrity guest stars Thurston Moore, Courtney Love and Tiny Tim.
Unfortunately the movie Turn of the Century is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Turn of the Century becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Dame Darcy | Director |
Writing | Lisa Hammer | Writer |
Writing | Dame Darcy | Writer |
Directing | Lisa Hammer | Director |
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