This animated short tells the story of Qalupalik, a part-human sea monster that lives deep in the Arctic Ocean and preys on children who do not listen to their parents or elders. That is the fate of Angutii, a young boy who refuses to help out in his family’s camp and who plays by the shoreline... until one day Qalupalik seizes him and drags him away. Angutii's father, a great hunter, must then embark on a lengthy kayak journey to try and bring his son home.
Unfortunately the movie Qalupalik is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Qalupalik becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Ame Papatsie | Director |
Writing | Ame Papatsie | Writer |
Sound | Christopher Talbot | Sound Designer |
Editing | Daniel Gies | Editor |
Production | Stephanie Scott | Associate Producer |
Production | Debbie Brisebois | Executive Producer |
Visual Effects | Ame Papatsie | Animation |
Editing | Denis Pilon | Online Editor |
Production | Derek Mazur | Producer |
Crew | Daniel Gies | Compositor |
Sound | Serge Boivin | Sound Mixer |
Production | Debbie Brisebois | Producer |
Production | Derek Mazur | Executive Producer |
Production | Melanie Legault | Production Coordinator |
Production | Rolande Petit | Production Coordinator |
Production | Scott Collins | Production Supervisor |
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