The movie set in 1840s Italy under the dominance of Austria, a time of tumultuous revolt and uprisings. The story centers on the life of the protagonist, Arthur Burton, as a member of the Youth movement, and his antagonist, Padre Montanelli. A thread of a tragic relationship between Arthur and his love Gemma simultaneously runs through the story. It is a story of faith, disillusionment, revolution, romance, and heroism.
Unfortunately the movie The Gadfly is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when The Gadfly becomes available on Netflix!
Camera | Serhiy Stasenko | Director of Photography |
Writing | Yuli Dunsky | Writer |
Writing | Valeri Frid | Writer |
Writing | Ethel LIlian Voynich | Novel |
Directing | Mykola Mashchenko | Director |
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