This classic show was one of Judy's last appearances at the historic Palladium Theatre in London. This unforgettable night also marked a young Liza Minelli's first public stage performance with her legendary mother. Witness Garland's exquisite talent as she performs the most-loved songs of her career while a budding Liza Minnelli more than holds her own offering a glimpse of the performative talent that would eventually launch a stunning career of her own.
Unfortunately the movie Judy and Liza at the Palladium is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Judy and Liza at the Palladium becomes available on Netflix!
Sound | Marvin Hamlisch | Orchestrator |
Sound | Peter Matz | Orchestrator |
Costume & Make-Up | Ray Aghayan | Costume Design |
Production | Mark Herron | Producer |
Art | Sean Kenny | Decorator |
Directing | Colin Clews | Director |
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