In the blink of an eye, high school student Taku Shimamura finds himself transported to the bizarre world of Slaffleaze, where intelligent creatures govern and the ruling class, led by the villainous Zolba, is plotting the invasion of the world they know as Capricorn, the Earth. Joining together with the oppressed Slaffleaze peasants, Taku must find a way to stop Zolba's dark forces before the way to the unsuspecting Earth is opened. In order to do so, he must first gain the love and trust of the last of the Yappie, the ancestral guardians of Slaffeaze. This is a task that will take more than a little courage and daring, for the last Yappie is not just a cute young female, she`s also a dragon.
Unfortunately the movie Capricorn is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Capricorn becomes available on Netflix!
Production | Masako Matsuura | Producer |
Editing | Izumi Okuma | Editor |
Sound | Ikuro Fujiwara | Music |
Sound | Hidenori Arai | Sound Effects |
Production | Tomohiro Tsukada | Executive Producer |
Visual Effects | Moriyasu Taniguchi | Animation Director |
Art | Tsutomu Ishigaki | Art Direction |
Production | Hiroshi Takano | Producer |
Directing | Takashi Imanishi | Director |
Writing | Takashi Imanishi | Writer |
Visual Effects | Tatsuyoshi Matsumoto | Animation |
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