In The Beginning follows Trey Canard’s heartfelt story to the top of the sport, despite overcoming the loss of his father and a series of injuries. It is in those low times that Trey transformed into a champion. Like life, Trey’s story is a bit of a roller coaster and the film will showcase Trey’s journey, giving viewers intimate access into Trey’s thoughts. No other motocross film has ever had this kind of access to such a powerful and inspiring story. In The Beginning focuses on the motocross and supercross champion’s life through 2010, the year Trey won the National Title.
Unfortunately the movie In the Beginning: The Trey Canard Story is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when In the Beginning: The Trey Canard Story becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Kyle Cowling | Director |
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