The "Kyodai Tenkaichi Metal Budokai" segment of BABYMETAL's 2015 World Tour showcased an unforgettable night at the prestigious Budokan arena. This event was a standout performance during their expansive international tour, illustrating the band's growing global influence and the fervent support of their fans. Su-metal, Moametal, and Yuimetal delivered an electrifying show, featuring a blend of their signature tracks like "Ijime, Dame, Zettai" and "Headbangeeeeerrrrr!!!!!" The grand scale of Budokan, coupled with the band's dynamic stage presence and the Kami Band's powerful musicianship, created a spectacle of sound and visuals. The performance not only highlighted their unique Kawaii Metal style but also solidified BABYMETAL’s stature as a major live act in the metal community.
Unfortunately the movie BABYMETAL WORLD TOUR 2015 IN JAPAN - Kyodai Tenkaichi Metal Budokai - Makuhari Messe is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when BABYMETAL WORLD TOUR 2015 IN JAPAN - Kyodai Tenkaichi Metal Budokai - Makuhari Messe becomes available on Netflix!
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