After the events of the previous film, the 17 years-old Sukeban Deka III, Yui Kazama, works for the Juvenile Security Bureau along with her older sisters Yuka and Yuma. This organization is led by politician Kuraudo Sekin, who fights juvenile crime in heavy-handed manners, to the extent to equip his student agents with triple-bladed yo-yo weapons. However, when Sekin's methods become too zealous, Yui quits the bureau and refuses to undertake undercover missions for them. It is soon discovered that Sekin's actual goal is to overthrow the Japanese government, and the Kazama sisters, along with a gang of young outcasts, have to stop him.
Unfortunately the movie Sukeban Deka the Movie 2: Counter-Attack of the Kazama Sisters is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Sukeban Deka the Movie 2: Counter-Attack of the Kazama Sisters becomes available on Netflix!
Sound | Ichirou Nitta | Original Music Composer |
Directing | Hideo Tanaka | Director |
Camera | Kensaku Ikeda | Director of Photography |
Writing | Izo Hashimoto | Screenplay |
Production | Asao Tsunoda | Producer |
Production | Shin'ya Kawai | Producer |
Writing | Shinji Wada | Original Story |
Production | Osamu Tezuka | Producer |
Art | Maruo Yasui | Art Direction |
Sound | Norihiko Kakinuma | Sound Recordist |
Production | Chiharu Nakasone | Producer |
Editing | Shin'ya Tadano | Editor |
Lighting | Yoshio Kobayashi | Lighting Technician |
Production | Takashi Ishihara | Producer |
Directing | Noboru Matsui | Assistant Director |
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