The story unfolds in Bilbao. Rocío (Emma Suárez), is in love with Mario (Antonio Banderas), a free rider with a lot of face that, to top it all, is partner of the business of her father, Domingo (Francisco Rabal) with whom she maintains incestuous relations. When Domingo passes away, both Mario and Rocío's mother have to put to the front of the business, finishing with the inheritance that could receive Rocío. In the midst of her frustration, a young business worker, secretly in love with Rocío, will try to have the legacy of her father end up in the hands of his rightful heiress.
Unfortunately the movie The White Dove is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when The White Dove becomes available on Netflix!
Sound | Louis Albert Begue | Music |
Directing | Juan Miñón | Director |
Writing | Juan Miñón | Writer |
Writing | Manolo Matji | Writer |
Art | Carlos Bodelón | Set Designer |
Editing | José Salcedo | Editor |
Directing | Elena Gil Nagel | Script Supervisor |
Production | Eduardo Campoy | Executive Producer |
Camera | Jaume Peracaula | Director of Photography |
Directing | Txarly Llorente | Assistant Director |
Directing | Ina Lüders | Assistant Director |
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