Following Natsuki Enomoto's confession rehearsals with Yuu Setoguchi, their younger siblings Kotarou and Hina struggle to confess their own love. Despite a disastrous first meeting in middle school with her upperclassman Koyuki Ayase, Hina’s heart is captured by his warm smile. Initially confused by these newfound feelings, Hina soon realizes that she has fallen in love for the very first time. Chasing after her brother Yuu and her crush Koyuki, Hina also enrolls in Sakuragaoka High School; but the threads of love are far-reaching, and they entangle Hina and her friends. Boisterous but sensitive, Hina hopes to confess her feelings to the tender-hearted Koyuki. Meanwhile, Kotarou, oblivious to his own feelings for her, is determined to always keep Hina smiling. This movie follows Hina, Kotarou, and Koyuki in high school. Their youthful love forges new relationships, but also threatens to break others.
Unfortunately the movie The Moment You Fall in Love is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when The Moment You Fall in Love becomes available on Netflix!
Writing | Yoshimi Narita | Screenplay |
Directing | Hideki Okamoto | Second Unit Director |
Art | Hideki Okamoto | Storyboard Artist |
Visual Effects | Masayuki Nomoto | Animation Director |
Visual Effects | Masayuki Nomoto | Key Animation |
Sound | Moe Hyuga | Orchestrator |
Visual Effects | Kazuya Aiura | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Han Min-gi | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Haruka Watanabe | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Junichi Fukunaga | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Nanako Ninomiya | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Yoshifumi Nakamura | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Yumi Nakamura | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Tatsuo Nakajima | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Junya Sato | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Tsutomu Sakamoto | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Junji Goto | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Takeshi Kanda | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Ryoko Kawamura | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Reina Kawasaki | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Miyako Kamiya | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Kosuke Iwanaga | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Atsushi Itou | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Hisashi Isogawa | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Jin Isurugi | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Sue Ikezu | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Rie Arakawa | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Yusuke Adachi | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Takuya Asaoka | Key Animation |
Camera | Yoshihiro Sekiya | Director of Photography |
Visual Effects | Emi Furushima | Compositing Artist |
Directing | Tetsuya Yanagisawa | Director |
Production | Shunsuke Saitou | Producer |
Writing | Touko Fujitani | Novel |
Art | Eiko Tsunado | Art Designer |
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