In the near future, the existence of "Adepts," people who possess extraordinary abilities known as "Septimal Powers," has caused widespread chaos around the world. In the nation of Japan, order and peace is maintained by a large conglomerate known as the Sumeragi Group. One group known as QUILL (Quorum for Unrestricted Information, Law, and Liberty) pledged to revolt against the Sumeragi Group.
Unfortunately the movie Azure Striker Gunvolt is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Azure Striker Gunvolt becomes available on Netflix!
Visual Effects | Masakazu Sunagawa | Supervising Animation Director |
Camera | Tsai Po-lun | Director of Photography |
Art | Yoshinori Odaka | Storyboard Artist |
Visual Effects | Ryuta Nakahara | Mechanical Designer |
Visual Effects | Kanna Terawake | Color Designer |
Visual Effects | Masakazu Sunagawa | Character Designer |
Writing | Shigeru Murakoshi | Screenplay |
Art | Ryuta Nakahara | Prop Designer |
Writing | Toshiaki Tai | Original Story |
Production | Yoshinori Odaka | Producer |
Directing | Yoshinori Odaka | Director |
Visual Effects | Ryuta Nakahara | Key Animation |
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