Set against the backdrop of a postapocalyptic Earth whose Eastern Hemisphere was destroyed by a massive solar flare, leaving what life remains mutated from radiation and fallout. The story revolves around a group of treasure hunters who extract such objects as the Mona Lisa, the Rosetta Stone and the Crown Jewels while facing rival hunters, mutants and pirates.
Unfortunately the movie Afterburn is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Afterburn becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | J.J. Perry | Director |
Production | Dave Bautista | Producer |
Production | Neal H. Moritz | Producer |
Writing | Tommy Wirkola | Writer |
Production | Steve Richards | Producer |
Writing | Scott Chitwood | Comic Book |
Production | Toby Jaffe | Producer |
Writing | Paul Ens | Comic Book |
Writing | Matt Johnson | Writer |
Crew | Aurélia Agel | Stunt Double |
Crew | Felix Betancourt | Fight Choreographer |
Crew | Daniel Hernandez | Stunt Coordinator |
Crew | Rob de Groot | Stunt Double |
Crew | Denisa Juhos | Stunts |
Crew | Balázs Lengyel | Fight Choreographer |
Crew | Bence Ferenczi | Stunts |
Crew | Sona Havranova | Stunts |
Crew | Troy Robinson | Stunt Coordinator |
Crew | Gábor Pesta | Stunts |
Crew | Ákos Szalai | Stunts |
Crew | Péter Sokorai | Stunts |
Crew | Joey van Rijthoven | Stunt Double |
Crew | Lukas Tomsik | Stunts |
Crew | Dani Medina | Stunts |
Crew | Roland Lazok | Stunts |
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