Voiced by Elijah Wood, Jennifer Love Hewitt, and others, this film features Tom Thumb and Thumbelina, the tiny, famed fairy-tale favorites, who are together for the first time in this heartwarming, magical musical story about courage and friendship. After 15 years, the two reunite and remember when their village was destroyed by a giant. Soon, they find out that they have neat powers they can use for good.
Unfortunately the movie The Adventures of Tom Thumb and Thumbelina is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when The Adventures of Tom Thumb and Thumbelina becomes available on Netflix!
Writing | Willard Carroll | Writer |
Directing | Glenn Chaika | Director |
Art | Rich Wilkie | Storyboard Artist |
Production | Kurt Albrecht | Executive Producer |
Writing | Hans Christian Andersen | Characters |
Production | John Lanza | Producer |
Sound | Randall Crissman | Music |
Editing | Tony Carenzo | Editor |
Sound | William Finn | Music |
Production | Thomas L. Wilhite | Producer |
Production | Jason Blum | Executive Producer |
Production | Mercedes J. Sichon | Associate Producer |
Production | Elizabeth Dreyer | Associate Producer |
Production | Kim Orchen | Casting |
Art | Michael Peraza Jr. | Art Direction |
Art | Laurie Siqueido | Prop Designer |
Production | Andrew Herwitz | Associate Producer |
Visual Effects | Shawn Palmer | Character Designer |
Art | David Scott Smith | Storyboard Artist |
Production | Meg Liberman | Casting |
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