The story of Kuraku Asuka, a tough junior high student who gets involved with the gang scene in the Kabuki Chou Ichibangai, a rough area of Tokyo. Second OVA of "Hana no Asuka-gumi!" based on the popular girl's manga Hana no Asukagumi! (The Glorious Asuka Gang!) by Takaguchi Satosumi.
Unfortunately the movie Hana no Asuka-gumi! 2: Lonely Cats Battle Royale is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Hana no Asuka-gumi! 2: Lonely Cats Battle Royale becomes available on Netflix!
Art | Mitsuki Nakamura | Art Direction |
Writing | Satosumi Takaguchi | Comic Book |
Sound | Kenji Kawai | Original Music Composer |
Directing | Atsutoshi Umezawa | Director |
Writing | Kenji Terada | Screenplay |
Visual Effects | Hideyuki Motohashi | Character Designer |
Visual Effects | Hideyuki Motohashi | Animation Director |
Production | Haruki Kadokawa | Executive Producer |
Production | Akihito Sasaki | Producer |
Production | Noriaki Ikeda | Producer |
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