In the aftermath events of GARO: Chapter of the Black Wolf, Saejima Kouga sets out to the northern district upon reassignment. While hunting down Horrors, a young priestess named Rin informs Kouga that she's been sent by Priest Amon to save a presumed dead friend in the Makai realm within Kantai, Jabi. Kouga teams up with Rin in a quest to save Jabi as they are hindered by supernatural and Makai forces alike. Meanwhile somewhere in Japan the dark Horror lord Legules was resurrected and plots a means to alter a supernatural event called White Night within Kantai to plunge the world into darkness with his "family." It's the final chapter of GARO as Kouga puts his life on the line to save Jabi and defeat Legules before the world is ruined.
Unfortunately the movie GARO Special: Beast of the Demon Night is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when GARO Special: Beast of the Demon Night becomes available on Netflix!
Writing | Itaru Era | Screenplay |
Production | Minoru Kubota | Executive Producer |
Directing | Keita Amemiya | Director |
Production | Kiyotaka Ninomiya | Executive Producer |
Production | Chizuko Kanno | Producer |
Production | Miyuki Udagawa | Producer |
Production | Kanako Natsui | Producer |
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