Talent Scout

Talent Scout

  • Genre: Animation, Drama, War
  • Runtime: 1h 20min
  • Language: Español
  • Production Company: 12 Pingüinos Animados S.L
  • Production Country: Spain
  • Directors: Manuel Sirgo, José Herrera.


Carmen, a young flamenco dancer who begins her career in her family's tablao, falls in love with Tito, a waiter in the family business. The revenge of the Marquesa, usual client of the tablao, makes that, when the Civil War breaks out, they both are separated and have to flee. Carmen starts a journey with her uncle Ricardo until arriving to Madrid when she suffers a tragic incident that will change her life. Madrid became a dangerous place and finally they will be forced to run away to France. In France they will be rescued by Tito, who takes them to Paris where the famous talent scout Dominique gets Carmen and his dance to succeed despite her disability.

Talent Scout Trailer

Can i watch Talent Scout on Netflix?

Unfortunately the movie Talent Scout is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Talent Scout becomes available on Netflix!

Directing Manuel Sirgo Director
Directing José Herrera Director
