This promotional film was aired on American television on 26 November 1965, one month before the release of Thunderball (1965). Narrated by Alexander Scourby, the 48 minute documentary aired as a one hour special. It included footage of the filming at Silverstone Racetrack, Northamptonshire and of the fight aboard the Disco Volante at Pinewood Studios; media coverage of Martine Beswick, Luciana Paluzzi and Claudine Auger; and archive footage of Ian Fleming at 'Goldeneye', Jamaica.
Unfortunately the movie The Incredible World of James Bond is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when The Incredible World of James Bond becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Jack Haley Jr. | Director |
Writing | Al Ramrus | Writer |
Production | Jack Haley Jr. | Producer |
Production | Wesley Ruggles | Associate Producer |
Production | David L. Wolper | Producer |
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