The film follows a young civil engineer, played by Toshiro Mifune, who is assigned to the Tase Dam construction site in what is now Hanamaki City, Iwate Prefecture, and the human relationships involved in building the dam. A masterpiece by director Senkichi Taniguchi, who has worked on numerous films starring Mifune.
Unfortunately the movie Swift Current is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Swift Current becomes available on Netflix!
Art | Tatsuo Kita | Production Design |
Production | Tomoyuki Tanaka | Producer |
Crew | Kazuo Yamada | Cinematography |
Lighting | Tsuruzô Nishikawa | Lighting Technician |
Sound | Ariaki Hosaka | Sound Designer |
Sound | Akira Ifukube | Original Music Composer |
Directing | Senkichi Taniguchi | Director |
Writing | Senkichi Taniguchi | Screenplay |
Writing | Motosada Nishikame | Screenplay |
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