Malama Haloa - Protecting the Taro

Malama Haloa - Protecting the Taro (2010)

  • Genre: Documentary
  • Release Date: 2010-01-01
  • Runtime: 0h 39min
  • Directors: Joan Lander, Puhipau.


Taro grower and Native Hawaiian practitioner Jerry Konanui works to propagate and save from extinction the numerous varieties of kalo (taro), a staple of the Hawaiian diet. Jerry’s mission is also to protect kalo, revered as the elder sibling (Haloa) of the Hawaiian people, from the risks of genetic engineering.

Malama Haloa - Protecting the Taro Trailer

Can i watch Malama Haloa - Protecting the Taro on Netflix?

Unfortunately the movie Malama Haloa - Protecting the Taro is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Malama Haloa - Protecting the Taro becomes available on Netflix!

Directing Joan Lander Director
Directing Puhipau Director
