Anny follows the life of the titular, intriguing character for 16 years, from 1996 up until 2012. Living in the Czech Republic, Anny is a 46-year-old woman whose day-to-day life has consisted of several different occupations, from a bathroom attendant and a doorman, to occasional sex work. Her outlook on her jobs is fairly simple, you have to do the work if you want to eat, spoil your grandkids, or buy yourself new clothes.
Unfortunately the movie Anny is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Anny becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Helena Třeštíková | Director |
Camera | David Cysař | Camera Operator |
Camera | Ivan Vojnár | Camera Operator |
Camera | Jiří Chod | Camera Operator |
Camera | Martin Kubala | Camera Operator |
Camera | Vlastimil Hamerník | Camera Operator |
Editing | Jakub Hejna | Editor |
Sound | Richard Müller | Sound |
Production | Kateřina Černá | Producer |
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