The movie "Umizaru" is the story of 14 young Japan Coast Guard officers who take part in a grueling training to become rescue divers. They must endure and survive a 50-day training. Daisuke Senzaki (Hideaki Ito) and 13 other recruits take part in the training. With his love for the ocean and dream to work as a rescuer at sea, a rescue diver seemed like the perfect occupation for Daisuke.
Unfortunately the movie Sea Monkey is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Sea Monkey becomes available on Netflix!
Writing | Shûhô Satô | Novel |
Writing | Yasushi Fukuda | Screenplay |
Directing | Eiichirō Hasumi | Director |
Sound | Naoki Sato | Music |
Camera | Akira Sako | Director of Photography |
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