Mounted on a modern set almost 32.8 ft, the show recreates the original spirit of the popular puppet news show. Tulio Triviño, Juan Carlos Bodoque, Patana Tufillo, Juanín Juan Jarry and the rest of the cast deliver live news of sublime importance: the launch of a giant pizza into outer space. In between, classics such as "Mi Equilibrio Espiritual", "Bailan Sin Cesar" or "Mi Muñeca Me Habló", in an online show dedicated especially to all that public that has accompanied them for all these years and who was left with the desire to be part of an unforgettable experience.
Unfortunately the movie 31 minutos: Yo Nunca Vi Televisión is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when 31 minutos: Yo Nunca Vi Televisión becomes available on Netflix!
Writing | Álvaro Díaz González | Writer |
Sound | Camilo Salinas | Musician |
Sound | Pablo Ilabaca | Musician |
Sound | Felipe Ilabaca | Musician |
Crew | Armando Jofré | Prop Maker |
Production | Rodrigo Toro | Director of Operations |
Directing | Álvaro Díaz González | Director |
Writing | Pedro Peirano | Writer |
Directing | Pedro Peirano | Director |
Art | José Delano | Art Direction |
Production | Francisco Schultz | Director of Operations |
Sound | Pablo Ilabaca | Music Director |
Visual Effects | Andrés Sanhueza | Visual Development |
Visual Effects | Juan Sáez | Visual Development |
Art | Sebastián Ríos | Production Design |
Sound | Antonio Carvalán | Musician |
Crew | Leonardo Casas | Prop Maker |
Crew | Myriam Riquelme | Prop Maker |
Art | Carolina Silva | Props |
Art | Marcelo Gacitúa | Props |
Art | Pablo Tenham | Props |
Crew | Valentina Figueroa | Prop Maker |
Crew | Andrea Soto | Prop Maker |
Visual Effects | Eduardo García | Visual Development |
Art | Gabriel Seisdedos | Props |
Visual Effects | Francisco Schultz | Visual Development |
Visual Effects | Rodrigo Reyes | Visual Development |
Art | Camilo Oviedo | Props |
Production | Alejandra Neumann | Executive Producer |
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