In a dystopic and futuristic Tokyo, humanity’s genetic code has gone awry. At the forefront of the technology is Fraud, an organization conducting experiments on people such as Kei and Ai – two escaped “headmeters” with hefty psychokinetic powers. The sinister Mr. Lee wants nothing more to retrieve Ai back to his clutches, as she seemingly holds the key to immense power; Kei wants simply to keep Ai safe; and the evil Lai Lo Ching has his own master plan. Along with the help of the amnesiac headmeter K2 and a trusty sidekick, Kei must fight to protect Ai from the evils of Mr. Lee, Lai Lo Ching, and the state of the world itself!
Unfortunately the movie Love City is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Love City becomes available on Netflix!
Writing | Syufo Itahashi | Original Story |
Art | Torao Arai | Art Direction |
Visual Effects | Masahiro Tanaka | Animation Director |
Visual Effects | Masaki Kudo | Animation Director |
Visual Effects | Masanori Nagashima | Animation Director |
Visual Effects | Nobuyoshi Habara | Animation Director |
Visual Effects | Yoshiaki Matsuda | Animation Director |
Sound | Noriyoshi Matsuura | Sound Director |
Camera | Kazushi Torigoe | Director of Photography |
Camera | Yukio Sugiyama | Director of Photography |
Production | Hiroshi Katou | Producer |
Editing | Hiroshi Furuhashi | Editor |
Editing | Naoyuki Masaki | Editor |
Editing | Yoshihiro Akahori | Editor |
Sound | Junji Fujita | Music Director |
Sound | Katsumi Itou | Sound Effects |
Sound | Teruyoshi Sudo | Sound Effects |
Visual Effects | Koji Ito | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Shinya Ohira | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Satoru Utsunomiya | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Shinichi Suzuki | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Satoshi Saga | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Yoshimitsu Ohashi | Key Animation |
Directing | Koichi Mashimo | Director |
Writing | Hideki Sonoda | Screenplay |
Sound | Shiro Sagisu | Music |
Visual Effects | Chuichi Iguchi | Animation Director |
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